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CANADA | Thallium and its compounds: the Final Assessment and Management Approach were published

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These substances were identified for action under the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP). The assessment focused on the thallium moiety and therefore considers all thallium-containing substances that may release thallium, as well as thallium in its elemental form and thallium released to the environment in dissolved, solid or particulate forms. This includes 5 thallium-containing substances identified as priorities for assessment, which are listed in the table below.

Summary of publications
Substance groupCAS RNCommon nameDSL or R-ICL namePublic comments on the draft screening assessmentFinal assessmentProposed risk management approachConclusion on section 64 criteriaFollow-up activities
Thallium and its compounds7440-28-0ThalliumThalliumHTMLHTMLHTMLMeets one or more of the criteriaRefer to proposed risk management approach
563-68-8Thallium(I) acetateAcetic acid, thallium(1+) salt
7791-12-0Thallium chlorideThallium chloride
10031-59-1 Table 1 FootnoteaThallium(I) sulfateSulfuric acid, thallium(1+) salt (1:?)
55172-29-7Table 1 Footnoteb201TlClThallium chloride (201TlCl)
Table 1 Footnote a

This substance was removed from the Revised In Commerce List (R-ICL) in 2022 as it was determined to not have commercial activity in Canada for use in products under the Food and Drugs Act.

Table 1 Return to footnoteareferrer

Table 1 Footnote b

This substance is on the R-ICL.

Table 1 Return to footnotebreferrer



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