The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is conducting a call for comments and evidence on the use and alternatives of certain hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) substances to support the preparation of a restriction proposal. This initiative follows a previous call held from December 2023 to February 2024, aiming to fill gaps and gather additional information.
The current call targets companies using Cr(VI) substances, particularly those in transportation, aerospace, defense, electroplating, painting, and surface treatment sectors. It also seeks input from providers of alternatives to Cr(VI) substances and companies that have substituted or are completing substitution of Cr(VI) substances.
The call is divided into two surveys:
- Survey 2a: Various uses of Cr(VI) substances
- Survey 2b: Alternatives to Cr(VI) substances
The consultation period is from June 5, 2024, to August 15, 2024. All interested parties, including private companies, sector associations, scientific organizations, NGOs, and Member State Authorities, are encouraged to participate. Information provided can be submitted confidentially and will be treated as such by ECHA.