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Europe introduces stricter limits for lead in toys

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The limit values ​​for lead  in toys is lowered within the EU. This has been decided by the European Council. The tightening rules will begin on October 28, 2018.

"The new levels of lead in toys will increase protection for children's health across the EU. By reducing the amount of lead that a child is exposed to, we reduce the risk of children experiencing learning difficulties, "says Anna Nylander, investigator at the Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate. 

The EU Toys Safety Directive contains three limit values ​​for how much lead may be found in different types of toy material. The European Council's decision implies that the limit for lead in dry toy material is reduced from 13.5 milligrams per kilo to 2 milligrams per kilo. In liquids, the limit is lowered from 3.4 to 0.5 milligrams per kilo and in scraped-off toy material from 160 to 23 milligrams per kilo.

The purpose of the tight rules is to protect children from being exposed to lead, which is a very toxic substance. Lead can damage the nervous system and affect the ability to learn. Foster and children are particularly sensitive to the effects.

Sweden has supported the proposal to lower the limit values ​​for lead  in toys. European Member States have time until the 28 October 2018, the to introduce the amendments to national legislation.

SOURCE (Automatically translated from Swedish)


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