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  • November 6, 2018
  • WTO

Mexico drafts standard regarding assessing the bacteria-reducing efficiency of equipment and germicides for domestic water treatment

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The notified text sets forth the sanitary specifications and characteristics to be met in order for equipment and germicides for domestic water treatment to receive a Certificate of Bacteriological Effectiveness prior to marketing. It is binding throughout Mexico on natural or legal persons engaged in the processing (as defined in the draft Standard) of equipment and/or germicides for domestic water treatment. Treatments used to purify water for human use and consumption by public and private water supply systems, water purification plants or any natural or legal person distributing such water in Mexico are not subject to the notified Standard but must meet the requirements of the Amendment to Mexican Official Standard NOM-127-SSA1-1994: Environmental health, water for human use and consumption, permissible limits and water purification treatment; Mexican Official Standard NOM-201-SSA1-2015: Products and services, water and ice for human consumption, packaged and in bulk, sanitary specifications; and Mexican Official Standard NOM-230-SSA1-2002: Environmental health, water for human use and consumption, sanitary requirements to be met by public and private water supply systems during water handling, sanitary procedures for sampling.

Draft Text 1 is available for download in the following languages: Espanol


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