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FDA Considers Repealing Regulation Allowing Titanium Dioxide in Foods, Following European Ban

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has received a color additive petition from several organizations, including the Environmental Defense Fund, proposing the repeal of the regulation allowing the use of titanium dioxide in foods. The petitioners argue that titanium dioxide no longer meets safety standards based on an opinion by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and other publications. The FDA is inviting comments, scientific data, and additional information on the matter, with a deadline for submission on July 3, 2023.

The European Commission (EC) had previously adopted a ban on the use of titanium dioxide (E171) as a food additive, which came into effect in summer 2022. The ban was supported by all European Union member states and was based on the EFSA's conclusion that E171 was no longer safe as a food additive. Titanium dioxide is commonly used to give foods a white color.



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