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How NoMonia Works to Treat or Remove Your Ammonia on Environmental XPRT

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Most water utilities should have effective treatment methods for the filtration of arsenic, iron and manganese from drinking water sources. However, as ammonia becomes increasingly concentrated in groundwater throughout the U.S., many utilities around the country are searching for ways to successfully treat the contaminant, while also meeting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards for arsenicironmanganese and other contaminants naturally present in groundwater. There are several approaches to ammonia treatment, with biological treatments now available to provide a safe and cost-effective solution.

Current Options for Ammonia Removal - Currently, there are several treatment approaches available for the removal of ammonia from drinking water sources, including breakpoint chlorination, ion exchange, reverse osmosis and air stripping. However, many of these treatments options fail to reduce ammonia to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) maximum contaminant level recommendation of 0.2 mg/L. In addition, these approaches require chemicals and operator attention, have high operating costs and/or pose safety concerns due to the handling of hazardous wastewater.

The Process - NoMonia biological treatment provides a simple, safe and cost-effective option for the removal of ammonia from groundwater, while also exceeding EPA standards for arsenic, iron and manganese filtration. The dual-stage biological treatment process relies on naturally occurring bacteria to achieve complete nitrification — the conversion of ammonia to nitrate without the presence of nitrite.



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