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New data gives more insight into companies producing hazardous chemicals – ChemSec

Your substances


Who is producing hazardous chemicals and how does production change over time? Does chemical legislation lead to a decrease in production of the most toxic substances?

ChemSec tries to answer these questions using publicly available data and presents this information in the SIN Producers List. This lets us show you which companies are producing which hazardous chemicals. The data comes from the official chemical agencies in both the EU and the US. Remember that the SIN Producers List only covers industrial chemicals that meet the criteria as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs). That means there are no pharmaceuticals or pesticides on the list.

If, like me, you like to consider things from a data perspective, keep in mind that data for SVHC chemicals will reach its full potential in the EU the coming years as there is a registration deadline in 2018. That means that by next year any substance above a volume of 1 ton has to be registered for production or import in European markets. ChemSec will of course update the SIN Producers List after the registration deadline.



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