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  • March 26, 2023
  • ISO

ISO 15270:2008 Plastics Waste Recovery Standard Set for Review to Advance Sustainable Waste Management Practices

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The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has announced that its standard ISO 15270:2008, which provides guidance for the development of standards and specifications for plastics waste recovery, including recycling, has reached the stage of being reviewed. The standard sets out the different options for the recovery of plastics waste and establishes quality requirements that should be considered in all steps of the recovery process. It also provides general recommendations for inclusion in material standards, test standards, and product specifications, making it of general applicability.

The review of ISO 15270:2008 will likely focus on updating the standard to reflect advances in plastics waste recovery technologies and techniques since its initial publication in 2008. It will also consider new developments in the regulatory environment and evolving societal expectations regarding sustainable waste management.

ISO 15270:2008 plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable waste management practices by providing guidance for the recovery of plastics waste. The upcoming review will help ensure that the standard continues to provide relevant and up-to-date guidance to stakeholders involved in plastics waste recovery and recycling.

Link to ISO 15270:2008


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