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SCCS - Minutes of the Working Group Meeting on Nanomaterials in Cosmetic Products of 9 September 2020

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2.3. Draft opinions discussed

● Scientific advice on the safety of nanomaterials in cosmetics, and its respective annexes, were finalised and adopted by the WG. They will be sent to SCCS for adoption via written procedure.

● Opinion on Hydroxyapatite (nano) – submission II. Deadline for the Applicants to reply to the SCCS letter was 30 April 2020. New data were received from the Applicants at later date as laboratories were closed due to COVID pandemic. Legal deadline to draft the scientific opinion is therefore prolonged. Opinion will be further discussed at the next meeting. 

● Opinion on Copper (nano) and Colloidal Copper (nano). Deadline for the Applicants to reply to the SCCS letter was 31 May 2020. Secretariat sent a reminder to Applicants to clarify the question on concentration. Opinion will be further discussed at the next meeting.

● Opinion on Gold/colloidal gold and surface modified gold. Deadline for the Applicants to reply to the SCCS was 30 June 2020. New data are expected from the Applicants at later date as laboratories were closed due to COVID pandemic. Legal deadline to draft the scientific opinion is therefore prolonged. Secretariat sent reminder to the Applicants to clarify the concentration. Opinion will be further discussed at the next meeting.

● Opinion on three ZnO coatings. Deadline of the applicant to reply to the SCCS is set for 31 August 2020. All Applicants withdrew their notifications.

● Opinion on Platinum/colloidal platinum. A letter to the Applicants requesting further information was sent. Deadline to reply was set to 15 October 2020.




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