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The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has initiated a call for comments and evidence regarding a proposed restriction on 1,4-dioxane and substances/mixtures containing it as a constituent or impurity. This call aims to gather input and insights from interested parties, allowing them to express their views, concerns, and provide additional information to support their comments.
1,4-dioxane has raised concerns due to its potential health and environmental hazards. In response to these concerns, ECHA has launched the consultation process, enabling stakeholders to contribute their expertise towards the development of Annex XV restriction dossiers and other relevant documents.
The consultation period began on April 20, 2023, and interested parties have until June 20, 2023, to provide their input. ECHA encourages all stakeholders who may have valuable information or perspectives on 1,4-dioxane and its associated substances and mixtures to participate actively in this call for comments and evidence.
By opening this consultation, ECHA aims to include parties that may not have been previously identified or consulted, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive assessment of the subject matter. The insights and data collected through this process will play a crucial role in the evaluation and potential implementation of restrictions related to 1,4-dioxane.
Link to the Call for comments and evidence
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