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The Minutes of the Working Group Meeting on Cosmetic Ingredients includes the following items:
New mandates or information from DG GROW
(*) Benzophenone-1
(*) Benzophenone-4
(*) Methylparaben
(*) OMC
(*) Salicylic Acid
(*) Applicant for hair dye Sodium Bromothymol Blue / N° C186 informed the SCCS about a forthcoming additional submission in January 2022, in order to address the SCCS comments. DG GROW is planning to officially mandate the SCCS once the submission is received.
(*) Phenoxyethanol SCCS/1575/16: the baby exposure data promised by Cosmetics Europe were not submitted or discussed at the last Methodology WG but have been postponed until spring 2022. DG GROW asked the SCCS if they consider their above Opinion still valid and if they would be ready to assess new data once submitted. The SCCS replied yes to both questions.
Draft Opinions discussed
(*) Genistein: the draft preliminary Opinion has been finalised and will be adopted by written procedure before publication for comments.
(*) Daidzein: the draft preliminary Opinion has been finalised and will be adopted by written procedure before publication for comments.
(*) 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC): the preliminary Opinion is under adoption by written procedure before publication for comments.
(*) Aluminium (aggregate exposure): the draft preliminary Opinion has been presented and tasks have been allocated to members. A request for clarification was sent to the Applicant.
(*) Scientific Advice on Triclocarban and Triclosan: the draft document has been presented and will be further discussed at the January WG meeting.
(*) Butylparaben: the draft document will be discussed at the January WG meeting.
(*) Arbutins: the draft preliminary Opinion has been discussed and tasks have been allocated to members. The draft will be further discussed at the January WG meeting.
Comments on Opinions
(*) The preliminary Opinion on Kojic acid has been published for comments until 14 January 2022.
(*) The preliminary revision of the Vitamin A Opinion has been published for comments until 7 February 2022.
(*) The final Opinion on Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) - SCCS/1636/21 has been published.
(*) The Scientific Advice on Homosalate - SCCS/1638/21 has been published.
(*) Prostaglandins and prostaglandin-analogues used in cosmetic products - SCCS/1635/21: the comments received have been discussed, together with some additional information received. The final SCCS responses are under drafting and will be discussed at the January WG meeting.
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