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ECHA's Call for Comments and Evidence on Octocrilene to Support the Risk Management Option Analysis Conducted by France

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The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has initiated a call for comments and evidence regarding Octocrilene. This call, which is open for submissions from November 15, 2023, until January 10, 2024, is designed to gather information on the various aspects of Octocrilene, particularly focusing on its manufacture, import, use, and market placement.

The objective of this call is underscored by a Regulatory Management Option Analysis (RMOA) conducted by the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES). The RMOA concluded that there is a need for regulatory risk management action at the EU level for Octocrilene, particularly to address environmental risks that are not adequately controlled. As a result, France is preparing an Annex XV restriction dossier on Octocrilene to be submitted to ECHA in October 2024. The information collected through this call for evidence will play a pivotal role in building this dossier, specifically documenting the feasibility of alternatives and assessing socio-economic impacts associated with restricting the uses of Octocrilene under REACH.

Octocrilene finds application in various consumer products and professional settings due to its UV filter/absorber properties and stabilization properties. Given its diverse uses, the call for evidence is directed at a broad range of stakeholders, including private companies (manufacturers, suppliers, recyclers, downstream users, distributors, importers, alternative providers, etc.), trade associations, scientific organizations, NGOs, and other relevant entities. Both EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA stakeholders are encouraged to participate. Of note, contributions from private companies that have either abandoned or are in the process of abandoning the use of Octocrilene in favor of alternatives are particularly welcomed.

The information gathered through this call for comments and evidence will play a crucial role in the development of Annex XV restriction dossiers or other relevant documents. By soliciting input from various stakeholders, ECHA aims to ensure a comprehensive understanding of Octocrilene's implications across its lifecycle and applications.

Interested parties are invited to submit their comments and evidence by the specified deadline of January 10, 2024. It is important to note that while this call for comments and evidence is significant, it does not replace the public consultation on restriction proposals conducted by Member States or ECHA, which remains a standard part of the restriction process.

Link to the Calls for comments and evidence


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