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European Chemical Agency to Reassess Classification of Methyl Methacrylate for Respiratory Sensitization

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The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) is set to reevaluate the classification of Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) for respiratory sensitization. This decision follows a request addressed to the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) by ECHA's Executive Director, Dr. Sharon McGuinness.

In March 2021, the RAC had classified MMA as Respiratory Sensitization 1 (Resp. Sens. 1; H334), based on scientific studies and case reports. However, after the classification's publication, manufacturers of MMA submitted additional evidence challenging the causal link between MMA exposure and occupational asthma. The submitted data includes a comprehensive review of available information, following the ECHA's weight of evidence guidance.

Dr. McGuinness has requested the RAC, in accordance with Article 77(3)(c) of REACH, to review the new information and, if necessary, amend the classification. The review process is expected to be completed within 12 months from September 1, 2023.

This reevaluation may lead to changes in the harmonized classification of MMA for Respiratory Sensitization. The decision will impact the regulatory framework and safety measures for the use of MMA in Europe, affecting various industries where MMA is employed.


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