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  • May 31, 2023
  • WTO

Russian Federation Introduces Regulations on Seeds and Planting Material Imports

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The Russian Federation has issued a notification to the World Trade Organization (WTO) regarding the adoption of new regulations on the import of seeds and planting material. The notification, submitted by the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, highlights the government's resolution and decree that outline the rules for state control over imported seeds.

The newly introduced regulations aim to ensure the conformity of imported seeds with the requirements for varietal and sowing (planting) characteristics of agricultural plants. They also include additional (special) requirements for varietal and sowing (planting) properties of seeds imported into the Russian Federation. Moreover, the resolutions emphasize the sampling of imported seeds for testing and assessment purposes, including the detection of genetically modified organisms, in accordance with national and interstate standards.




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