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  • April 29, 2024
  • WTO

New Zealand Enhances Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Inhibitors

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On April 3, 2024, New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries announced the publication of amendments to the Regulatory Systems (Primary Industries) Amendment Bill, which were circulated as per Article 10.6. This bill, now including a new clause, classifies agricultural inhibitors—used on plants or animals—as 'agricultural compounds' under the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997 (ACVM Act). The amendment aims to enforce stricter regulations on these substances to manage potential risks to food safety and environmental health. The updated legislation will provide a transition period of one year for agricultural companies to comply with new registration requirements. This regulatory change is intended to address the risks associated with new inhibitor technologies that may affect food safety and plant and animal health. The final date for comments on this notification is May 9, 2024, and the proposed dates for the bill’s adoption and enforcement are yet to be determined.


Documents: 24_02603_00_e.pdf


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