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Study Reveals High Allergen Content in 'Sensitive' Body Care Products: market checks conducted by German association (DAAB)

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A recent study by US dermatologists found that 94% of body care products that advertise natural ingredients contain at least one contact allergen, with an average of 4.5 allergens detectable in the products evaluated. The study also found that many of the products contained allergy-triggering fragrances, which along with nickel are among the most common triggers of contact allergic eczema.

The German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB) conducted market checks of cosmetic products that advertise as "sensitive" and found that few products met their criteria for being free of potent allergy triggers and fragrances. Consumers are advised to read the composition of products carefully and compare them with information in the allergy pass, and to look for the DAAB label when searching for compatible cosmetics.

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