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  • November 19, 2020
  • BSEF

International Bromine Council (BSEF) Response to ECHA (RAC) CLH Opinion on Ammonium Bromide (NH4Br)

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The Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) recently adopted a proposed harmonized classification of NH4Br. To date the substance has no existing entry in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation.

Ammonium bromide is a relatively small volume chemical. A few thousand tonnes are estimated to be used in the EU each year. Ammonium bromide is used in a few well-defined industrial applications with well controlled exposures; it is not used by consumers. Its main application (> 90%) is as a precursor to the in situ biocidal active substance Bromide Activated Chloramine (BAC), which is extremely effective in controlling biofilm growth in industrial water applications especially with respect to paper production.  Given this use, there is no exposure of ammonium bromide to the general public and environment.



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