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NAFRA Comments on Final Regulatory Determinations Report Under Safer Products for Washington

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The American Chemistry Council’s (ACC) North American Flame Retardant Alliance (NAFRA) issued the following statement in response to the Final Regulatory Determinations Report to the Legislature from the Washington State Department of Ecology (Department of Ecology) regarding its implementation of Safer Products for Washington.

“NAFRA is deeply disappointed with the Department of Ecology's alternatives assessment approach and outcome. The Department failed to properly evaluate organohalogen flame retardants (OFRs) and their alternatives in a complete or consistent manner that considered availability, performance, safety, and cost for Washington consumers and businesses. Flame retardants help make everyday products safer by reducing fire risk, and regulation of their use in commerce demands a thorough and transparent process. However, we acknowledge the Department has made changes from its draft report, and we are appreciative that the Department incorporated stakeholder feedback in some instances. 




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