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ECHA Board of Appeal | 19 January 2022 | ARKEMA France S.A., France

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Subject matter : A decision taken by the European Chemicals Agency pursuant to Article 41 of the REACH Regulation

Contested Decision : CCH-D-2114567361-49-01/F

Remedy sought by the Appellant - On 6 September 2021, the Agency adopted the Contested Decision following the compliance check of the Appellant’s registration dossier for the substance heptan-1-ol (EC No 203-897-9; CAS No 111-70-6, the ‘Substance’).

According to the Contested Decision, the Appellant was required to provide information on certain studies under Annex IX and X to the REACH Regulation. The Appellant requested the Board of Appeal to annul the Contested Decision insofar as it concerns the information requirements set out in Annex X.


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