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The Minutes Of The 40th Meeting Of The Working Group On The Re-evaluation Of Sweeteners includes the following scientific topic(s) for discussion:
5.1 Neohesperidine DC (E 959) EFSA-Q-2011-00726
Technical data: one pending part of the technical section was discussed and finalised pending inclusion of the text that is being prepared by the WG Specifications.
Exposure: the pending parts on the exposure section were discussed and finalised.
Toxicological data: the toxicological data of the draft opinion on neohesperidine (E 959) were discussed and the draft opinion was finalised, subject to incorporation of changes as suggested during the meeting.
This draft opinion will be discussed in a forthcoming Plenary meeting.
5.2 Neotame (E 961) EFSA-Q-2011-00740
Toxicological data: the toxicological part of the draft opinion on neotame (E 961) was discussed but could not be finalised pending the submission of the requested data.
Next steps to move forward were noted. This draft opinion will be discussed in a forthcoming WG meeting.
5.3 Erythritol (E 968) EFSA-Q-2011-00730 EFSA-Q-2022-00219
Exposure: the exposure section was discussed and revised.
Toxicological data: this section was not discussed due to lack of time.
Next steps to move forward were noted. This draft opinion will be discussed in a forthcoming WG meeting.
5.4 Sucralose (E 955) EFSA-Q-2011-00724 EFSA-Q-2021-00375
Exposure: occurrence data were discussed and the approach on how to use them was agreed.
Next steps to move forward were noted. This draft opinion will be discussed in a forthcoming WG meeting.
5.5 Maltitols (E 965) EFSA-Q-2011-00490, EFSA-Q-2011-00755
Exposure: the approach for handling concentration data was discussed and agreed.
Next steps to move forward were noted. This draft opinion will be discussed in a forthcoming WG meeting.
Link to the Minutes Of The 40th Meeting Of The Working Group On The Re-evaluation Of Sweeteners
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