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China | Announcement Regarding the Optimization of Record Inspection Management Measures for Ordinary Cosmetics (No. 13, 2023)

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Release Date: January 18, 2023

In further efforts to deepen the reform of "decentralization and service", and to implement the responsibility of enterprises, the State Drug Administration has decided to further optimize the record inspection management measures for ordinary cosmetics, according to the principles of risk management, in accordance with regulations such as the "Cosmetic Supervision and Management Regulations" and the "Cosmetic Registration and Record Management Measures". The following is a notice regarding the matter:

  1. From the date of this announcement, the inspection method will be adopted as the quality control measure for ordinary cosmetics, and the production process has been included in the daily supervision scope of the provincial drug supervision department. If the safety risk assessment results of the product can fully confirm the safety of the product, the record keeper can submit a self-inspection report prepared by the cosmetic record keeper or the entrusted production enterprise in accordance with the technical specifications of cosmetics when registering the product. This does not apply in the following circumstances:

(a) The product is claimed to be for use by infants and children;

(b) The product uses new cosmetic raw materials that are still under safety monitoring;

(c) The product claims to have functions such as acne removal, nourishing, repair, anti-wrinkle, dandruff removal, and odor elimination;

(d) Other circumstances where the product may pose a higher safety risk.

When submitting the self-inspection report for product registration, the record keeper should also submit a declaration of the inspection capability specified in the "Cosmetic Registration and Inspection Work Standards", provide an explanation of the relevant inspection personnel, equipment and facilities, and the inspection environment, and undertake to guarantee the authenticity and accuracy of the inspection report. The record keeper shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities for any false declaration.

This announcement shall come into force as of the date of its release.


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