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Mexico | The Government of Mexico will defend the validity and validity of the Presidential Decree to eliminate the use of glyphosate

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The Government of Mexico, through the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat), expresses its disagreement with the ruling of the Sixth District Judge in Administrative Matters in Mexico City, Francisco Javier Rebolledo Peña, by granting an amparo to the Monsanto company against the Decree issued by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador on December 31, 2020 to gradually eliminate the herbicide called glyphosate.

With misleading arguments, Monsanto seeks to disregard the precautionary principle, which Mexico has adopted in various agreements and laws, and that due to the modification of the First Article of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, this Principle is part of the same Constitution.

This decision by Judge Rebolledo Peña, which is not final, only benefits a private transnational company and did not take into account the damage to the health of Mexicans due to the use of this herbicide, which is demonstrated in medical and scientific research. . Therefore, Semarnat will challenge by means of a review appeal, fully supported that must be resolved by a Collegiate Court, for which there is a period of 10 days.


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