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US EPA | Petition To Revoke Remaining Tolerances for Dicofol Use - Notice of Filing

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The US EPA is actively soliciting public opinions regarding a petition that calls for the revocation of remaining tolerances associated with the pesticide dicofol. These tolerances specify the permissible levels of dicofol residues in various food products, with a particular focus on tea. The petition was initially submitted on January 8, 2023, in alignment with the provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA).

The public has a chance to weigh in on this matter until November 16, 2023, by following the guidelines for submitting comments via the Federal eRulemaking Portal at

The objective of this notice is to inform the public and relevant stakeholders about the EPA's invitation for comments on the petition to revoke dicofol pesticide tolerances.

Notification: G/SPS/N/USA/3428

Documents: 2023-22906.htm


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