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Title of document
Notifying Great Britain’s register of feed additive authorisations and the authorisation of eleven feed additives for the GB market
The UK Food Safety Authorities are notifying Members of GB’s feed additives authorisation register and the authorisation of eleven feed additives for use in the GB market consisting of new authorisations, renewals, modifications and a re-evaluation of an existing feed additive.These authorisations are made on the basis of the uses and specifications set out in the consultations linked in section 9.
The eleven feed additives are:
Authorisation as a new feed additive (or new use):
Renewal of authorisation:
Renewal and a new use:
Renewal, modification and new use:
For more information on the authorisations please see the table in the attached Annex.
Notifying member: United Kingdom
Notification: G/SPS/N/GBR/23
Objective tag
Food safety (SPS); Animal health (SPS)
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